Agape Sunday Service
1pm & 6pm


Church Location

220 Pitt Street NSW 200 Australia

See Map...

Sunday Services

Runs every sunday 1pm and 6pm

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Sunday School

Weekly program at 1pm

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Kumpulan kotbah AGAPE

Mazmur 112:1-10
Bahagia orang benar

Haleluya! Berbahagialah orang yang takut akan TUHAN, yang sangat suka kepada segala perintah-Nya

‍Anak cucunya akan perkasa di bumi; angkatan orang benar akan diberkati.

‍Harta dan kekayaan ada dalam rumahnya, kebajikannya tetap  untuk selamanya.

Di dalam gelap terbit terang bagi orang benar; pengasih dan penyayang orang yang adil.

‍Mujur orang yang menaruh belas kasihan dan yang memberi pinjaman, yang melakukan urusannya dengan sewajarnya.

‍Sebab ia takkan goyah untuk selama-lamanya; orang benar itu akan diingat selama-lamanya.

‍Ia tidak takut kepada kabar celaka, hatinya tetap, penuh kepercayaan kepada TUHAN. Hatinya teguh, ia tidak takut, sehingga ia memandang rendah para lawannya.

‍Ia membagi-bagikan, ia memberikan kepada orang miskin;  kebajikannya tetap untuk selama-lamanya, tanduknya meninggi dalam kemuliaan.

‍Orang fasik melihatnya, lalu sakit hati, ia menggertakkan giginya, lalu hancur; keinginan orang fasik akan menuju kebinasaan.

Pastor Stephen Tanuwijaya

Pastor Stephen Tanuwijaya, is married to Susana (Sianny). He has twin daughters, Stephanie (married to Terry) and Stella (married to Jacky), and 5 grandchildren, Jason, Zachary, Bradley, Elizabeth and Ryan.

Stephen studied at the Medical School in Indonesia, then moved to Australia in 1976 to do further studies. He worked in a private Pathology for 18 years and his latest position was as Department Manager of Endocrinology, before responding to God's call to become a minister. His diploma and degrees in ministry include Dip. Biblical Studies, Cert. in Christian Counselling, MA in Missiology, Doctor in Ministry and Doctor in Christian Counselling.


Agape's Weekly Schedules

Join us, you are welcome


Sunday Service at 1pm & 6pm

At Wesley Theatre Room
& Wesley Church


Teen Service at 1pm (Sunday)

Conducted in english at Wesley Church, ground floor


Sunday School at 1.15pm

At Green Room,
lower ground floor


Prayer Meeting - Wednesdays 7.15pm

Online meeting. Contact Pastor Stephen for further information:
0414 745 948


Cell Group

Every 1st and 3rd Saturdays


Agape Youth - Fridays 7pm

At Wesley Church, ground floor


Agape at Wesley

Welcome to AGAPE Website. Wesley Agape Indonesian Congregation is a  church committed to caring for and blessing the growing Indonesian community in Sydney. By God's grace and power, we are continuously seeking to build a church where people can love one another, grow in spiritual maturity and develop their God given gifts.

Agape is an unconditional love that does not demand anything in return and puts others first before oneself. It is a gold standard that Jesus Christ has shown for us to follow (John 3:16) and indeed it is a noble and worthy challenge to love with the love that Jesus has for mankind.